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Benefits Of Green Energy Sources

For a very long time, we have relied on fossil fuels. It provides heat to our homes, gas for our cars and electricity. Since we are now using it more than ever, there is a consequence. We are depleting our resources and slowly killing...
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How To Make Your Own Green Energy Source

Wouldn’t it be great if we can produce our own green energy source? If we can do that, we don’t have to pay electrical bills or gasoline anymore for our cars. While we can buy some of the equipment, the rest will have to...
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Why Is Hydropower A Green Energy Source?

Why is hydropower a green energy source? It is because we are able to harness electrical power by converting water into electricity. The use of hydroelectric power or even hydroelectricity dates back to Ancient Greece and China when they installed...
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Geothermal As A Green Energy Source

We have the technology to do a lot of things and one of these is to tap the earth’s energy. This is exactly what we do when we decide to use geothermal which happens to be...
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Is Biomass A Green Energy Source?

Is biomass a green energy source? According to experts, yes it is. In fact, it is one of the three main areas of bioenergy. But what is bioenergy? Well, it is a process by which organic material such as...
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Biofuels Are A Green Energy Source

Biofuels are also a green energy source. It has been around for a very long time and lately, people are beginning to take notice. Liquid biofuel which is the one used in cars is a natural and renewable domestic fuel that can only...
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